As I stated one of my posts last week, your main job at your meetings is to be the gatekeeper. So how do you take notes when you're controlling the flow of communications? You don't!
For example, when I teach my courses, I know my material inside and out. However, from time to time, I play a game with my students and just because I have to keep score, it detracts from my control. I either miss part of the discussion or make a scoring mistake (which the students would quickly correct!). It's nearly impossible to do both of those things at once.
So who takes notes? The note taker's official role is Recorder or Scribe. The PM must be the gatekeeper but the recorder can be anyone. Find an administrative assistant, project coordinator, business analyst, or intern. Just make sure it's not you. If you must, ask someone who's going to be the meeting anyway and kindly ask him to take notes for the team so you can focus running the meeting.